Sunday, December 6, 2009

counting down the days...

Okay, so it's been a couple weeks since I did an update… call me lazy or busy or whatever you like!

We are getting LOTS of new registrants! Please, oh please, past participants, get your registrations in!!! You only have till December 15th to register and we don't want to lose you!
Since Sunday November 22nd, 36 people registered:
29 NEW participants AND 7 RETURNING participants.

Homes: North Carolina: 3; Arizona: 3; Louisiana: 1; California: 2; Ohio: 4; Ontario, Canada: 3; Australia: 2; Washington: 4; New Mexico: 1; France: 2; Texas: 1; Wisconsin: 1; South Carolina: 1; Missouri: 1; Turkey: 1; Oklahoma: 1; Tennessee: 1; Washington DC: 1; Illinois: 1; New Jersey: 1 and Florida: 1

Total registration so far: 214!!!

I will not post again until registration closes on the 15th… Once again, if you have not received your confirmation, please make sure you let me know AND/OR check your spam filter for your email. My email is

I hope you are all doing well and keeping busy finishing up your 2008-2009 BJP, planning for the 2010 BJP, and getting your Holiday preparations in order!!! Have a great week…
pam T

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