Wow… there are about 260 of us starting this thing. The thought of us, scattered around the whole world, taking up our beads, fabrics, needles, ephemera, photos, buttons, etc. … and starting to stitch the month of September just thrills me to pieces!!!!
We are separated geographically, yet together in purpose and united here in our blog. May your individual beaded pathway and our collective journey be rich in friendship, growth, healing and fun.
A few details…1. You may have a plan and/or a theme for the year… or not. It’s totally up to you. Personally, I like to take each month as it comes, without a preconceived plan or theme.
2. Just a reminder. You do not have to make a book or journal. The word
journal for our purposes refers to the concept of visually showing what’s going on in your life or your thoughts/feelings at a given time. The word
page refers to your piece, but it doesn’t have to be literally a page of a book/journal.
3. For the first three months (Sept-Dec), please do not post pictures of your BJP pieces on this blog. You are welcome to post them on your personal blog or website and then post a link to them here. Starting in January, you’re welcome to post your BJP pictures here.
4. Please do not post movies or sound clips on this blog. They take up too much digital space on a team blog that may have thousands of posts by the end of the year.
5. Remember to sign your posts (with a link to your blog/website if you have one) as I have below.
A Big Ol’ Snaffoo…Blogger has recently changed the blogspot rules. They no longer allow unlimited authors on a blog. At this time they only allow 100 authors on a team blog such as ours. Ooooops… We have 260 members… what to do?????
Your coordinators gnashed our teeth and deliberated about this, considering various solutions. For now, we decided to have three blogs for this year. They are:
08BJPmorebjp08andmorebjp08 You will be invited to be an author on only one of them.
Please make a note (somewhere you can find it!) of your sign in information (email address and password) and which of the three you can post to.
Please visit, read and comment on all three blogs! Together the three of them will be our support and unifying system.
Some of you may have more experience with blogging than we do… if so, we welcome any suggestion you may have for a “better” solution (contact
Happy September BJP and beady blessings to you all...
Robin A. (your leader in this great adventure)