Tuesday, December 30, 2008

November and December BJP

I'm a bit late on the November doll. She took me a month and a half to make. I'm going to have to simplifiy in the future if I want to stay on track. : P Her name is Hiawatha and is for Thanksgiving.

December Doll is Jolly Holly. I wanted the Holly leaves to look more light and airy but I guess in a cold climate a heavy looking skirt would be warmer. All things work out in the end.


beadbabe49 said...

They're both darling but I don't remember seeing them on the flickr bjp site...will you be posting them there too? (When I don't have the time to read all the posts, I check out our flickr site so at least I can see the finished pieces...)

flyingbeader said...

Absolutely adorable! Love the beaded faces. I've been experimenting on doing faces with round backstitch too. They are so enjoyable to look at